Anatomy of a Forklift Truck - Hand Pallet Trucks!

Hand Pallet Trucks are customisable, making them suitable for a broad range of material handling applications, including horizontal transport, order picking, loading / unloading and stacking. Designed for ease of use, our long-lasting trucks allow for the safe and efficient movement of goods with very little effort. Suitable for horizontal pallet transport and order picking. Before someone can operate a forklift truck safely, it’s crucial to know the ins and outs of the material handling equipment you’re operating. While there are several different forklift types, almost all forklift trucks have the same basic components, systems, and accessories. Here’s a primer on the main parts of a forklift. Cab The cab is where the operator sits or stands and contains the controls for operating for the forklift. The controls include the steering wheel, lift controls, brake and accelerator pedals, safety signals, and more. Overhead Guard Directly above the cab is the overhead guard. This protects t...